Cartoons the French Way

"Dessins à la française" a été édité par René Goscinny chez "Lion Literary Edition", aux Etats Unis.

Il a été publié par "Manvis Publications Inc." en septembre 1955. Cover art by John Sidrone.

On y trouve des dessins de Ami, Guy Bara, Dropy, Mick, Moal Lic, Morez, Claude Raynaud, Tetsu, Sempé et Siné.

Il comporte 153 dessins dont 13 de Bosc.

Nous l'avons découvert grâce à Mike Lynch, Cartooniste Américain et grand fan de Bosc.

Ci dessous, le Blog de Mike :



Some pretty women in the cartoons, yes, but it's not too ribald at all.
All of Bosc's cartoons are wordless in this collection. Wordless sells internationally, you see.
Bosc's drawings are both specific, when they need to be, and spare.
What I like about Bosc is the element of surprise. Above: a violin as defense against critics.


Again, struggling against the odds is the above motif. Jean Bosc struggled with what we may call shell shock for many years.

His sister Renée had the above cartoon rendered into marble in memory of her brother.

The cartoons dealing with death have another level to them after knowing that the cartoonist committed suicide.


Le dessin de Bosc ci-dessus, "route glissante" est étrangement affublé d'une signature Morez!

Cliquez sur le portrait, pour visiter le blog de Mike Lynch.


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